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Twelve Year 9 students were chosen at the start of the year to be part of The Brilliant Club and take part in the Scholars Programme

The Brilliant Club Graduation Trip

Twelve Year 9 students were chosen at the start of the year to be part of The Brilliant Club and take part in the Scholars Programme. The idea behind the programme was to inspire more students to aspire to go to         highly-selective universities and give them the skills to  help them continue on that path in the future. Over two terms they have completed seven tutorials with a PHD tutor on the subject ‘What is News?’ They had  various assignments to complete as they went along and finally had to submit a university style essay that had to be 1500 words. I am happy to say all students were successful and passed with either a 1st, 2:1 or 2:2.

On Thursday 6th February, The Brilliant Club went for their Graduation visit to Emmanuel College, University of Cambridge where they were given a tour, told all about university life at Cambridge and finally there was a certificate presentation where all were called up to accept their certificates for graduating the programme. It was a lovely day and feedback from students has been very positive.