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On Friday 13th December the History department took 46 students to Ypres to deepen their understanding of experiences during World War 1.

The trip began with an early start at 4.45am as we took to the coach and channel tunnel to Ypres Belgium. Our first top was to Hill 62 where the students experienced a British Trench. The cold and heavy rain gave the students a good understanding of how difficult staying the trenches for weeks and month would have been for soldiers.

After lunch, we went on a battlefield tour and visited a Bunker which would have been used as a front line   hospital, Tyne cot cemetery which is the largest British cemetery in Belgium and a number of other monuments which brought WW1 to life.

We then visited the Passchendaele Museum where we learnt about the battle of Passchendaele and developed our understanding of Trench Life.

After a visit to the chocolate shop and dinner we experienced the last post ceremony which is a daily memorial ceremony at the Menin Gate for all of the soldiers whose bodies were never recovered.

The students really enjoyed this experience despite the early start and late finish of 1.00am.