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Mr P Norris


Mrs A Brown

Deputy Headteacher

Mr D Fogarty

Deputy Headteacher

Mr D Butler

Assistant Headteacher

Mrs H Butler

Assistant Headteacher

Mr K Jacobson

Assistant Headteacher

Mr. M. Kerin

Assistant Headteacher

Mrs D Tough

Assistant Headteacher

Mrs S Forman

School Business Manager

Mrs S D'Lima

Chair of Governors

Mrs C Brock

Vice Chair of Governors

Ms N Pruden

Co Vice Chair of Governors

Mrs A Wilsher

Chair of Finance Committee

Mr P Futcher

Staff Governor

Mr B Wall

Foundation Governor

Mrs A Russell

Foundation Governor

Rev. S Pariyadan

Foundation Governor

Mr D Cassar

Foundation Governor

Mrs T Robinson

Parent Governor

Mr R Adams

Parent Governor

Mr P Norris


Mrs A Brown

Deputy Headteacher

Mr D Fogarty

Deputy Headteacher

Mr D Butler

Assistant Headteacher

Mrs H Butler

Assistant Headteacher

Mr K Jacobson

Assistant Headteacher

Mr. M. Kerin

Assistant Headteacher

Mrs D Tough

Assistant Headteacher

Mrs S Forman

School Business Manager

Mrs S D'Lima

Chair of Governors

Mrs C Brock

Vice Chair of Governors

Ms N Pruden

Co Vice Chair of Governors

Mrs A Wilsher

Chair of Finance Committee

Mr P Futcher

Staff Governor

Mr B Wall

Foundation Governor

Mrs A Russell

Foundation Governor

Rev. S Pariyadan

Foundation Governor

Mr D Cassar

Foundation Governor

Mrs T Robinson

Parent Governor

Mr R Adams

Parent Governor